
概率算法 一个经典概率算法(用于抽奖等场景) https://www.cnblogs.com/liulangmao/p/4533293.html

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Defence T族(技术研发)通道晋升答辩: https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1786861

Lend and Borrow 借贷协议方式 NFT借贷协议的3种模式 借贷协议主要解决三个问题: 一是高效地匹配、撮合资金供求双方;二是安全地保管抵押品;三是借款人违约时

Transaction Price mechanism eip-155之前rlp编码rlp(nonce, gasprice, startgas, to, value, data); eip-155之编码rlp(nonce, gasprice, startgas, to, value, data, chainid, 0, 0); EIP-1559升级

Ethereum ethereum architecture beacon chain是一个单独的链,它协调所有的sharding chain. 一个beacon chain的block 负责管理1~100的shard bloc

MEV 论述 最大可提取价值(MEV)是指通过更改或排除一个区块中的交易顺序,可以从超过标准区块奖励和gas费的区块生产中提取的最大值,这个概念最初

Layer2 Layer2技术主要目的是扩展去快乐的性能,同时保留分布式协议的去中心化优势 闪电网络 闪电网络的主要思路十分简单–将大量交易放到

Randao_reveal block header介绍 Mixhash is a hash of the index, nonce, content, and previous node’s hash. This is unique, non-reversible, and of fixed length. It serves to encrypt the data of a particular block. Nonce stands for the Number used only once. It is a unique whole number that shall be used only once in the blockchain. The