


区块链的不可能三角是: 去中心化,安全性和可扩展性

Layer0, 1, 2

  • Lyaer0


    • LayerZero

      LayerZero是一个omnichain interoperability protocol 设计为light message pass across chains. LayerZero提供 authetic and guaranteed message delivery and 可配置的去信任化.


      • LayerZero Endpoint

        LayerZero Endpoint是一个面向用户interface, implemented as a series of on-chain smart contracts. An endpoint’s purpose is to allow the user to send a message using LayerZero protocol backend, guranteeing for valid delivery.

        A LayerZero Endpoint is split into four modules:Communicator, Validator, Network, and Libraries. LayerZeor每支持一条新链需要添加一个额外的library. This design allows us to add support for new chains without modifying the three core modules

      • Oracle

        Oracle是一个第三方服务,read a block header from one chain and send it to another chain

      • Relayer


      • A single LayerZero message

        • Step1: App A send a request to the LayerZero Communicator containning the following information
          • t: The unique transaction identifier for T
          • dst: A global identifier pointing to a smart contract on chain B
          • payload: Any data that App A wishes to send to App B
          • relayer_args: Arguments describing payment information in the event that App A wishes to use the reference Relayer
        • Step2: The Communicator constructs a LayerZero packet containing dst and payload, referred to as Packet(dst, payload), and sends it along with t and relayer_args, to the Validator.
        • Step3: The Validator sends t and dst to Network. This step notifies Network that the block header for the current block on chainA needs to be sent to chain B
        • Step4: Validator forwards Packet(dst, payload), t and relayer_args to the Relayer, notifying the Relayer that the transaction proof for T needs to be prefetched and eventually sent to chain B. This happends concurrently with Step3
        • Step5: Network sends dst and the block ID of the current transaction(cur_blk_id) to the Oracle. This notifies the Oracle to fetch the block header for the current block on chain A and send it to chain B. In the event that multiple LayerZero transactions occured in the same block, Step5 is only executed once
        • Step6: Oracle reads the block header(blk_hdr) from chain A = Step7: The Relayer reads the transaction proof associated with transaction T(proof(t)) from chain A, and stores if off-chain. Step6 and Step7 occur asynchronously to each other
        • Step8: The Oracle confirms that the block corresponding to blk_hdr is stably committed on chain A and then sends blk_hdr to Network on chain B.不同的链等待的区块时间不一样
        • Step9: Network sends the block hash, specified as blk_hdr_hash, to the Validator
        • Step10: The Validator forwards blk_hdr_hash to the Relayer
        • Step11: After receiving blk_hdr_hash, the Relayer sends a list of any Packet(dst, payload), t, proof(t) tuples that match the current block.
        • Step12: The Validator use the received transaction proofs in conjunction with block headers stored by Network to validate whether the associated transaction T is valid and committed. If the do match, then Packet(dst, payload) is sent to the Communicator
        • Step13: The Communicator emits Packet(dst, payload) to App B
      • whitepapaer:

  • Layer1

    Layer1是一个去中心化的分布式账本. 它使用一个网络节点来维护,验证和记录transactions on the ledger.包含共识机制。

    • Ethereum

  • Layer2




    • Bitcoin Lighting Network


    • Polygon

      Polygon的前身是Matic Network,它使用侧链进行可扩展,安全和即时的区块链交易,同时使用Plasma框架和分散的权益证明(PoS)验证器网络确保资产安全
